cording to the basic rules of nutrition, it is necessary to take a variety of foods into the body. Many diets are wrong because the body is deprived of certain foods or some of their components.
Importance of nutrition
For healthy growth and development of the organism, and by that we mean the daily renewal and regeneration of the organism, we need a varied diet. Cell renewal and regeneration is a normal physiological process. Certain parts of our body age and decay, but nature has given the human body an ingenious mechanism that replaces old cells with new and young cells of our body. By that we feel and look young longer if we provide which it will synthesize the new life of our cells.
Intake of all nutrients in appropriate amounts is a basic prerequisite for health and a youthful appearance. So, there is no proper protein diet, at least not in the long run because it does not give the body all the necessary substances. These are also in addition to proteins and carbohydrates and fats that should be in the recommended ratios of 10 -60 – 30. Our health should not be recommended to any kind of diet for the simple reason that it does not provide our body with the necessary nutrients.
What can we do about it?
Vitamins and minerals are needed in order for proteins, carbohydrates and fats to be incorporated and used for the functioning of the organism by proper and efficient chemical processes with as few harmful by-products as possible, and we need water in sufficient quantity to perform its protective function, primarily in detoxification. That is, cleansing the body of the aforementioned toxic substances that occur in our body.
However, by knowing the cyclical changes in our body that are affected by hormones and neurotransmitters that are affected by external influences, and adapting our diet to these normal variable changes, we can help the body strive to function flawlessly, with as few harmful substances as possible. Eliminate them sooner and thus retain a youthful appearance for longer.
And while these are more or less known facts, what is less known is the physiology of human emotions. Emotions are peculiar to all living beings, including animals and in a certain state of mind we go on search of a certain food that will feed the specific feeling that living beings are currently experiencing. And as the feelings we experience are diverse, it is clear that the diet is different in terms of feelings and will not leave the body or soul without a single nutrient or nutrient.
Early start
The day should begin with a meal based on dairy products because waking up early feels “physiological anger of our spirit.” If we wake up a little later and sleep well, carbohydrate foods should be added to the milk with the meal. So, the ideal meal for nine o’clock in the morning when the beginning of a new day awaits us would be cereals in milk, yogurt or kefir, which is rightly recommended by many nutritionists today.
As the day approaches noon, morning anger gives way to the morning dominance of sadness, so the concentration of serotonin in the brain should be increased. We do this best by eating carbohydrate-type foods. So, all cereal products such as bread, pastries, pasta, then rice, potatoes, legumes will come in handy at an early lunch (recommended between 11am and 3pm). These are all high-energy foods, so in addition to the perfectly correct food for our brain, they will also be perfectly correct for our body. It will prepare us for a good part of the day that is still ahead of us.
Going through the day
As the day goes on, our spirit sinks into physiological afternoon anxiety and lethargy, which should be fought with a protein meal. A late afternoon meal or dinner should be of the protein type in a way that for the early afternoon we choose serotonin-type foods that will improve our mood and drive away anxiety. These are fish and white meat (chicken, turkey, veal, lamb).
For the late afternoon, when we are already reluctant and tired, we should give preference to red meat. It has a pronounced adrenaline component that stimulates energy and will. The side dish to these protein meals should not be carbohydrate as is often mistakenly eaten today, but must be based on vegetables such as cabbage, asparagus, chard, broccoli, cauliflower and other vegetables.
In the end
As evening approaches, human feelings become happier and we reach the peak of the daily cycle of emotions. The brain does not need foods to create energy, but the body produces growth and building hormones. The body in its task of regeneration and renewal and preparation of the body for night rest does not need energy. If it gets it, it turns into fat deposits, so in this part of the day we need vitamins and minerals from vegetables and fruits.