Turn around, look at others, look at yourselfโฆ are you fully aware of what you eat during the day, and your snacks and everything you put into your body during the day..? You probably aren’t, neither you nor others, and this is a big problem today, casual snacks that you don’t even remember later and are actually the worst choice, it’s the food your unconscious self chooses. unconsciously I will always look for a quick fix. these are fatty and often highly sugary products and always have ingredients of animal origin that harm the whole body and have been proven to cause type 2 diabetes.
Being a mindfull eater means that you are already planning your meals in the morning, which after 35-40 years should be smaller and poorer with bad ingredients. you hate this sentence but a 30 year old woman has to forget about sugar, the very detrimental effect on the psyche and body that sugars have makes it impossible for older women to have a quality life until old age. Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products will make your body deformed and there will certainly be health problems that will take away everything that comes with old age.
Mindfull eating means that you have put diet among the priorities of your daily routine, and you do not eat anything and there are no impulsive decisions, every day is planned. wondering why you are so obsessed with food? precisely because food is what first determines the quality of your being, and the attitude towards food always speaks more about a person than the style of clothing or some stylistic figure. Conscious eating is really helpful because it deprives you of worries and loss of control over the body and its shape. I emphasize that the state of the body, and the weight itself, are a path to a detour in later years when you will no longer be able to control your metabolism (because he is not accustomed to such tactics) and you simply will not be able to live comfortably.
Food is so essential to our bodies that we really need to force ourselves into a strict regime. carnivores and consumers of food of animal origin will soon face not only us little activists but scientific research that is already under mainstream propaganda killed for a half-hour lunch. mindfulness is a philosophy that is not just about consuming food, but is looking at the world. the injustices we are doing to the planet and the mistakes we have been making for hundreds of years must now be corrected because there is no more mercy for humanity. we must not be obscene and ungrateful. body care, proper care of course, is the same mindfulness, awareness of yourself and your capabilities, the richest man is not hung or hungry, the mind must be open to try new solutions, because after 2-4 weeks you can always return to your old habits .
I believe that anyone on this Earth who is trying to make a change in their life by reducing the existing diet or introducing a completely new one (always my advice is veganism) but there are options for all types of eaters in the application itself because I would not want to impose on anyone. the diet he considers most effective.
Our mothers come from the generation when food in the form of industry flourished, all food was considered luxury if a food was processed, especially cured meat products but also the inevitable MSG, it was a time of big sugar traps where there was no obligation to writeon the declaration that something contains very harmful substances and that almost daily consumption leads to the ruin of the body and beauty but also the spirit.
We continue the trend of industrial and ready-made unhealthy food, over 85% of girls have a weight that is frightening, far from the desired 55 kg, and no one even blames it because today it is normal to be fuller, threatened. the future cannot be sustainable in this way, we will destroy ourselves and everything in front of us. the most important thing is to learn what real healthy food is, to master cooking and organizing meals during the day and everything could change in one generation.